Sunday, January 24, 2010

1st Semester of Grad School

The Spring of 2010 is my first semester in grad school. I am pursuing a Master's Degree in Journalism. One of my first courses is New Technologies of Mass Communications (JOUR 5320). I have to admit I'm a little apprehension about going back to school and taking this course. I'm not entirely sure what I expect. I’ve been out of school for about 6 years and I do not have a background in journalism.

That said, the reason I signed up for this course is because it was offered downtown Dallas, which is closer to where I work and live than Denton. I also know it is important, in today's society, to be up to speed on technology as it relates to any chosen profession, and especially in the field of journalism. My understanding is the world of journalism is changing quite a bit due to on-line and digital technology. Though print media is still important, and in some way I believe it always will be, more and more people are reading the news on-line. So, hopefully this course will help me have a better and more thorough understanding of how technology is used for mass communication and help me find a niche in this field that will be enjoyable, as well as profitable, for me. It would also be nice to learn about the various software that is used for creating digital/on-line communication.

The more our society advances technologically the faster we are able to receive news and communication. There are good things and bad things about this, I think. But the underlining principles of journalism remain the same, reporting news accurately, fairly, truthfully, with integrity. Technology is constantly changing, but there are certain principles that will never change. I believe I can be part of a generation that grasps both the technological opportunities but also remains grounded in the basic principles of integrity.

Writing is a vital aspect of communication, and something I enjoy. The world will always have need for good writers and clear communicators. I hope that my writing can be used to help and encourage others. And, in order to communicate what I desire to say, I hope I will be able to utilize the various aspects of technology made available to me. And finally, as a Christian, I think it is important for Christians to have a clear voice in society and in journalism.

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